Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Life hits ya hard

I was talking to my boyfriend a while ago and said I would make an attempt to just sit and listen to music. After getting a job I didn't take time out of my day to just stop and listen. It's so easy to get wrapped up in life. Working, taking care of children or pets, having a relationship, tending to friends or family, drama, heartache, hardships, it's all so overwhelming even when we don't realize it! It's insane, I catch people losing themselves in the midst of it all too often.

Whenever I start losing sight of what I love about life, I always just put in both headphones, drown out the outside noises and listen to songs like "Brooks Was Here" from the Shawshank redemption soundtrack or "Exile, Vilify" by The National. These songs have harnessed such a tranquil sound. I also find songs that connect with my past help as well, perhaps because it reminds me of when I wasn't overwhelmed...when thoughts were much less a burden to bear and created a fun world to experience. I'm not quite sure honestly. I notice it's important though to realize how your life is currently. You are one in millions and I don't say that because you are unique for being you, I say that because YOU were the sperm who penetrated that egg. You are alive and reading this, you have lived if you can read this. You probably have a family, you have someone who supports you whether you know it or not. The world was made to nurture us. We have capabilities to speak and understand. We created this language which you so fluently now speak that you can read this and comprehend immediately without a second thought. You can ponder your own life. You see faults, flaws, and beauty around you. You feel every hormone natural to experiencing emotion. We possess 5 ways to sense our surroundings. We're complex and amazing beings.

It's hard to realize it, but regardless of how difficult life is, it's amazing. We only live once and it can be such a positive experience if you can just make yourself believe it. Feel what you need to, I'm not saying be happy constantly, but learn that time is irreplaceable. It's sad to know that one day, you WILL be under the ground. Death is going to happen, it doesn't matter what religion you are, what you don't realize, what you do know, how healthy you are, your race, gender, genes, your time on this planet will end. It's something that needs to be understood because it makes everything so much more real. Death really enables you to enjoy life as long as you understand that death is waiting at the end of your road. So you know what, be angry, hate someone, be sad, depressed, jealous, envious, it doesn't matter as long as you feel it and move on as soon as you can possibly can. Every moment you are viewing the world as a terrible thing, every moment you think to yourself something negative, you are ruining the experience.

Just do your best at making it the best. You will find that life goes way too fast, I don't care how many times you've heard it, don't just hear, listen and heed. It's true and you don't want to be dying saying all of your regrets. Be that person who smiles at the end and says that you enjoyed every experience you came across. You only have one chance, make it worth all this time.