Wednesday, November 12, 2014

So where is it really?

You know, we tend drop off into the world somewhere here and there. When we are swallowed up in the daily grind and problems we constantly see over and over again, it's like we've just been left in the stomach of a monster. There's no light to be found and then we seek some light elsewhere, somewhere it never even existed previously but we got just a sweet little sparkle from.

Do we ever stop to think that we are the stomach of the monster though? Here we are enveloped in an impenetrable void seeking some sort of peace of mind, when we are the problem and the light. Like Albert Einstein said, You cannot solve a problem with the mindset used to create it.

One of the worst parts is, we enjoy feeling loved. When other people go out of their way to ask how you are because you are obviously depressed and miserable, we feel love. There lies a bit of that sparkle I was talking about earlier, but this sparkle is a bitter sweet taste. We love it and want more but sadly don't stop to think in the other person's shoes. The other person is genuinely concerned for your well being. So being the selfish creatures we are, we are unable to fit in the other person's shoes and move along with our empathetic hook lingering in the water for the next bite.

Happiness is not a tangible piece of joy we can capture. We have to hold onto the happy we obtain and nourish it. Don't let it die by complaining and getting swallowed in the belly of the beast. Don't fall in love with your misery. Snap out of it, don't be selfish. Realize people are honestly caring about you and turn it around. Even the slightest change in attitude can make a difference. Instead of complaining about the weather every day, find something you like about it. Instead of complaining about work every day, find something enjoyable you can get out of it. From there your attitude will flourish into a masterpiece that will exude light and then you can pass on your wisdom. It's just breaking out of that funk that makes things tough.