Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The worst kind of hope...

Is the hope that becomes a growth. It's a cancer building upon itself until we can't see anything else happening, we don't want to see anything else happen, other than seeing this hope become our reality.

I bring this up because it's something I often easily find myself fighting. Hope that maybe I'll be straight, hope that maybe being a musician isn't as unstable as people say, hope that people will be accepting. For those of us who enjoy feeling and allow ourselves to embrace our emotions, we deal with this a lot. It is and is not our fault.

The more we think about it (the more we want it), the more we can see it become our future. Worse part is, there is still that little voice telling us "This isn't right". I will never say all hope is vein but it's all in moderation. We control our thoughts and in this sense it is our fault. It is not our fault completely though because we can't control what we want and what we don't, we can only control to what degree we want it.

Now, this is the hardest part, ignore it. I hate to say it, but when hope is eating you alive because you know that this is just not possible, yet you continue to fantasize because it's something you've always wanted, something so divine that it will affect you in the best way possible, it's time to stop. What is in our future will be there, it's waiting and what happens happens. It's not going to change when the moment passes. It will happen just as it should and if what does happen doesn't match up to what you think should happen, you will be distraught after allowing those fantasies to consume your thoughts.

It's best to realize the unhealthy addictions before it has a chance to damage you. Hope is a grand aspect of life, it aids us in our pursuit of our goals. Without it, ambition wouldn't exist, we need that want, that hope that something will happen and grant us this gift.When it so obviously is too farfetched, it's destructive. So don't ever give up on dreams, don't lose your hope, just don't expect it to happen. Expect everything and be satisfied with nothing, or expect nothing and be satisfied with everything.

I apologize if my blogs have become increasingly depressing lately, but these have been things I have dealt with. Everything on this blog will be something I have personally dealt with. Some of them will be light hearted others may not, but I just wanted to get this warning out there.

Basically put, keep yourself in check. Don't expect anything to happen or you will find yourself disappointed too often. Hope this helps open some eyes :) hope you guys have all experienced something fantastic lately! Love you all :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Your mind is your worst enemy

Hey friends :) Today I was thinking about why homosexuality is not a terrible thing. It's kind of funny I made this blog to directly assess the topic of homosexuality and I've been discussing the byproducts such as depression, self rejection, and suicide more so than I have the topic of being gay.

I figured tonight I would post my thoughts on homosexuality. More on a social level as opposed to religious though because I don't know how many people are religious and whether we deal with the religious side or not, we will all face the social rejection.

Let's think about society for a second. Now, I don't want to be some sort of hippy who says society is corrupt and blah blah blah, but they create ideas in our minds of right and wrong that aren't necessarily right or wrong. Example, I have faced difficulties finding myself attractive because I am very short, thin, and just feel unmasculine. Why do I feel this way though? It's because society has created this image that men should be tall, muscular, eat beef jerky, and drink beer. A man is a man. Simple as that, if you have your man hood, you're a man. Sorry if that's weird but I mean....there's no sense in complicating it. Society freaks out about everything. They believe sugar, along with a million other foods, when mass consumed, causes cancer with no back up research. Anything in excess can have a terrible outcome, but they are just constantly searching for answers and homosexuality is one thing that is unanswered.

Personally, I can understand the fear of the unknown to an extent. Space scares me because we haven't explored it yet, it's huge, it's deadly and dark. I even feel uneasy in pitch black because I don't know what's there, but when it comes to personality, the unknown does not affect me. So, I guess I can't comprehend why people are afraid of homosexuality just because it's unexplained. Since homosexuality is such an unknown topic though, people are immediately detesting it because it doesn't make sense, it's strange. Now what the heck is wrong with abnormality? There is not one single human on this planet that is not considered strange by someone else.

The issue is perspective. I just think that when one perspective has been expressed, especially by a community, it becomes a mindset. The mindset grows on people and becomes apart of their own beliefs, homosexuality is victim of this permeating perspective. People express dislike towards homosexuals, and yet they have problems of their own. The pot calling the kettle black. Don't you dare tell me I am abnormal just because I express my differences. If I looked down deep enough to find something I found odd about you, I could easily point it out and ridicule that same someone who ridicules me. At least I am comfortable enough to be me, to allow myself my happiness in my so called "mistake".

The worst part is we can't change this. What others feel or think is not in our control, but that doesn't mean we should be taken down because of them. Your mind is your own worst enemy. No one can put you down without your consent. Filter your thoughts, filter the outside influences and rid yourself of them. If someone keeps putting you down and makes you feel uncomfortable with yourself, tell them either they need to keep their mouth shut or you need to stop talking because it's not fair. You could just as easily express disappointment in them against something you don't agree with that they do. Learn to ignore the comments, it's not easy at all. Feeling isolated like that is hurtful. When you know people are against you, especially a whole community is against you, it's tough but you know there is also a lot of people who aren't. There are a million people who would love to help or to accept others. The thing is, the people who dislike homosexuality are just very outspoken about it, the people who don't mind don't feel the need to say anything because it doesn't bother them, if that makes sense. People seem to just love to complain I guess is what it is. Just know, that they have as many faults as you do. I don't care how perfect they seem, they have something about them that another person would consider either strange or wrong.

Basically, just ignore rude comments. What is life anyways? Are we not here to spend time? Shouldn't that time be worth spending? Then love yourself and other, because being hateful, even if the hate seems justified, is not good. Two wrongs don't make a right. Don't get caught up in those things and just brush off the negatives :) Remember, you aren't weird or abnormal, it's all perspective. Hope this makes sense to you guys and you act on it :)