Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The worst kind of hope...

Is the hope that becomes a growth. It's a cancer building upon itself until we can't see anything else happening, we don't want to see anything else happen, other than seeing this hope become our reality.

I bring this up because it's something I often easily find myself fighting. Hope that maybe I'll be straight, hope that maybe being a musician isn't as unstable as people say, hope that people will be accepting. For those of us who enjoy feeling and allow ourselves to embrace our emotions, we deal with this a lot. It is and is not our fault.

The more we think about it (the more we want it), the more we can see it become our future. Worse part is, there is still that little voice telling us "This isn't right". I will never say all hope is vein but it's all in moderation. We control our thoughts and in this sense it is our fault. It is not our fault completely though because we can't control what we want and what we don't, we can only control to what degree we want it.

Now, this is the hardest part, ignore it. I hate to say it, but when hope is eating you alive because you know that this is just not possible, yet you continue to fantasize because it's something you've always wanted, something so divine that it will affect you in the best way possible, it's time to stop. What is in our future will be there, it's waiting and what happens happens. It's not going to change when the moment passes. It will happen just as it should and if what does happen doesn't match up to what you think should happen, you will be distraught after allowing those fantasies to consume your thoughts.

It's best to realize the unhealthy addictions before it has a chance to damage you. Hope is a grand aspect of life, it aids us in our pursuit of our goals. Without it, ambition wouldn't exist, we need that want, that hope that something will happen and grant us this gift.When it so obviously is too farfetched, it's destructive. So don't ever give up on dreams, don't lose your hope, just don't expect it to happen. Expect everything and be satisfied with nothing, or expect nothing and be satisfied with everything.

I apologize if my blogs have become increasingly depressing lately, but these have been things I have dealt with. Everything on this blog will be something I have personally dealt with. Some of them will be light hearted others may not, but I just wanted to get this warning out there.

Basically put, keep yourself in check. Don't expect anything to happen or you will find yourself disappointed too often. Hope this helps open some eyes :) hope you guys have all experienced something fantastic lately! Love you all :)

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