Wednesday, November 12, 2014

So where is it really?

You know, we tend drop off into the world somewhere here and there. When we are swallowed up in the daily grind and problems we constantly see over and over again, it's like we've just been left in the stomach of a monster. There's no light to be found and then we seek some light elsewhere, somewhere it never even existed previously but we got just a sweet little sparkle from.

Do we ever stop to think that we are the stomach of the monster though? Here we are enveloped in an impenetrable void seeking some sort of peace of mind, when we are the problem and the light. Like Albert Einstein said, You cannot solve a problem with the mindset used to create it.

One of the worst parts is, we enjoy feeling loved. When other people go out of their way to ask how you are because you are obviously depressed and miserable, we feel love. There lies a bit of that sparkle I was talking about earlier, but this sparkle is a bitter sweet taste. We love it and want more but sadly don't stop to think in the other person's shoes. The other person is genuinely concerned for your well being. So being the selfish creatures we are, we are unable to fit in the other person's shoes and move along with our empathetic hook lingering in the water for the next bite.

Happiness is not a tangible piece of joy we can capture. We have to hold onto the happy we obtain and nourish it. Don't let it die by complaining and getting swallowed in the belly of the beast. Don't fall in love with your misery. Snap out of it, don't be selfish. Realize people are honestly caring about you and turn it around. Even the slightest change in attitude can make a difference. Instead of complaining about the weather every day, find something you like about it. Instead of complaining about work every day, find something enjoyable you can get out of it. From there your attitude will flourish into a masterpiece that will exude light and then you can pass on your wisdom. It's just breaking out of that funk that makes things tough.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Who would you be?

I was just listening to Sweet Nothin' by Calvin Harris ft. Florence Welch and thought to myself....Florence is the person I would be if I could be 1 other human for a day. I don't know if that's creepy or not honestly but I believe it is a wonderful compliment. I am completely gay so obviously this is not sexual, and I'm not using her for the fame either but for her mind and soul. Her songs are so perfectly written lyrically and instrumentally to me that I want to learn how her mind works. How does it process and how does her soul work? She's so sweet and calm, is it always that kind?

With that said I wanna hear some other opinions on who you would choose to live as and why? But not sensually or for fame or anything, but because of who they are and why does that type of person attract you? For me personally it's because I feel like I am a cocoon of Florence's concept of existence and the universe. I share extremely similar thoughts with many of her quotes and understand a large majority of her music on a level very deep as opposed to simply understanding the general idea and lyrics. That's what attracts me to her mind and soul, she is very unique and elegant, not only in person, but her mind has mastered a certain finesse. What specifically draws you to this person and their life style? Food for thought and if you all feel like sharing please do! :) I'm curious to hear your thoughts and fascinations!

Friday, August 22, 2014

This Life Is...

I've been thinking about morals lately and how they play into our lives. I know a lot of people say "Screw It" (I'm keeping it clean here) when it comes to life and I always thought that was kind of a harsh way to see things but at the same time it makes so much sense.

A theory about something called the "Phaneron", coined by Charles Sanders Peirce, is the question of whether or not reality exists. The Phaneron is something created in our own minds. Every word you read from this blog, every shared memory you possess, every item, person, tree and grain of sand you have come across was all created by your mind. Nothing is real. So how does that sound? Is it depressing or liberating? Saying "screw it" to the world doesn't seem so bad now because nothing exists. It's what your mind wants you to think and nothing more. Stress is all part of the phaneron along with anxiety, anger, hate, social norms, so why care?

Now that's been established, this Phaneron theory also argues interesting moral stand points. Do we do whatever we want because it's all possibly fake? Does this excuse killing or stealing? Or is this still unacceptable because our reality is just as possible as the Phaneron?

Now for my thoughts. It doesn't matter. Whether this is real or not, it's all the same principle. We as humans are given something amazing we refer to as our conscience that decides whether something is right or wrong. Since neither phaneron or reality can be proven we can take the best of both worlds. Plus it has the same outcome. At the end we all have to eventually accept our deaths. It seems that people go through life without truly living. We get so caught up in life and all the bad stuff it hands us that we lose sight of what allows us to enjoy ourselves. It's simple though, follow your gut feelings and do what you want. Again I'm not trying to justify bad deeds, like I said we all have a general universal knowledge of whats bad and whats good. We tend to have rewarding feelings after doing good deeds though so why not follow that feeling? We need to allow ourselves the best life possible and without realizing our imminent ends, we won't. We need to treat this life as if it is our Phaneron, say screw it to the world, ignore the stresses applied to us because at the end, phaneron or not, we will die and it will no longer matter. The only thing that will matter in the end is what you will say on your death bed. I have made it my goal in life to have as little regrets as possible. So think things through, love people, do something good every once in a while. You don't have to be a saint but enjoy the joy you present to others and when you are down because someone else belittles you or you get caught up in your own troubles learn to say screw it! It's not worth the trouble. That person who bothers you isn't understanding this same concept and therefore is not living life regret-free. This is how I find happiness and maybe it's just me, but if that is the case then I challenge you to think about your life and what gets you down. What keeps you down and what can you do to change it?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Life hits ya hard

I was talking to my boyfriend a while ago and said I would make an attempt to just sit and listen to music. After getting a job I didn't take time out of my day to just stop and listen. It's so easy to get wrapped up in life. Working, taking care of children or pets, having a relationship, tending to friends or family, drama, heartache, hardships, it's all so overwhelming even when we don't realize it! It's insane, I catch people losing themselves in the midst of it all too often.

Whenever I start losing sight of what I love about life, I always just put in both headphones, drown out the outside noises and listen to songs like "Brooks Was Here" from the Shawshank redemption soundtrack or "Exile, Vilify" by The National. These songs have harnessed such a tranquil sound. I also find songs that connect with my past help as well, perhaps because it reminds me of when I wasn't overwhelmed...when thoughts were much less a burden to bear and created a fun world to experience. I'm not quite sure honestly. I notice it's important though to realize how your life is currently. You are one in millions and I don't say that because you are unique for being you, I say that because YOU were the sperm who penetrated that egg. You are alive and reading this, you have lived if you can read this. You probably have a family, you have someone who supports you whether you know it or not. The world was made to nurture us. We have capabilities to speak and understand. We created this language which you so fluently now speak that you can read this and comprehend immediately without a second thought. You can ponder your own life. You see faults, flaws, and beauty around you. You feel every hormone natural to experiencing emotion. We possess 5 ways to sense our surroundings. We're complex and amazing beings.

It's hard to realize it, but regardless of how difficult life is, it's amazing. We only live once and it can be such a positive experience if you can just make yourself believe it. Feel what you need to, I'm not saying be happy constantly, but learn that time is irreplaceable. It's sad to know that one day, you WILL be under the ground. Death is going to happen, it doesn't matter what religion you are, what you don't realize, what you do know, how healthy you are, your race, gender, genes, your time on this planet will end. It's something that needs to be understood because it makes everything so much more real. Death really enables you to enjoy life as long as you understand that death is waiting at the end of your road. So you know what, be angry, hate someone, be sad, depressed, jealous, envious, it doesn't matter as long as you feel it and move on as soon as you can possibly can. Every moment you are viewing the world as a terrible thing, every moment you think to yourself something negative, you are ruining the experience.

Just do your best at making it the best. You will find that life goes way too fast, I don't care how many times you've heard it, don't just hear, listen and heed. It's true and you don't want to be dying saying all of your regrets. Be that person who smiles at the end and says that you enjoyed every experience you came across. You only have one chance, make it worth all this time.

Friday, December 20, 2013

So this band...

Is great. I first heard them on the radio when I was in the car with my boyfriend not too long ago. The song that played was called "Say Something" by A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera. Such a beautiful song :D anywho! So in the comments of the music video for "Say Something" someone mentioned them being gay and I looked it up.

They are not gay, to my knowledge, however I found this song they did write called "Everyone Is gay". I love it not only musically and comically but it also displays quite a nice message. The way they phrase everything makes being bi, gay and straight all alike. They give us all the pros and no cons to all 3 sexual preferences and I think sometimes it's best we just hear what's good about us. We hear enough negativity as it is on a day to day basis. So give it a listen and I hope you like it :) It's very fun!

I don't know why but the video split my text in half, but oh well haha :)

Love you all and remember! There's nothing wrong with who you are! I don't care what anyone says, if you are happy with yourself then keep it and don't be afraid to flaunt it! The ones who pick on you are envious of your comfort. If you are unsatisfied for some reason, try changing it, if that doesn't work, try accepting it :) We over think so much and accepting yourself is honestly one of the most important and key things to living a good life :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Shorty here

I just wanted to say that I hope this blog is serving it's purpose. I hope that the people who have read my blog are enjoying life or have a new, better perspective on something that was once a danger to themselves. Thank you to everyone who reads my MASSIVE posts :) You guys are awesome! I love everyone for the support and views :)

This video

You guys, this video is awesome. I honestly feel like I've taken too much for granted.

A man explains what existing is. Why we exist and teaches us to see it from a more...spiritual perspective. When I say spiritual I don't mean Religious, I mean as a community of the same race. Those emotions we all experience, those unwritten rules of humanity, such as murder is bad or that anxious feeling of disappointment. I've discussed my thoughts about the same topic, how we exist is not something just worthless, but it's for us. This man explains it much better than I do and he uses the comparison of science verses real world experience. Science tells us we are mating machines, we are programmed to survive. We are not programmed. Sure we experience instinct, and to the extent we may consider ourselves "programmed" but what you do, who you are, is all inside of you. I'll stop there and let you enjoy the video :)