Monday, May 13, 2013

Bring on the questions!

Hello again friends! While I patiently wait for a reply I will do my best to post daily (though comments and what not would help me tremendously in my posts. So please comment/ask questions!)  :)

So I figured I'd share a song by Macklemoore. I'm not a fan of rap, and I'm actually extremely selective in my music, however Macklemoore was raised with multiple gay family members along with finding his love in a pop culture. His conflicted emotions lead him to write a song to express his take on the community's reaction towards gay rights. It's called "Same Love" featuring Mary Lambert. I'm going to post the lyrical music video so everyone gets the gist of what the song is about...Thing is I haven't yet found the proper way to post a video in my blog haha!

Got it! Man I'm good! haha kidding.

My friend's Mom showed this to me one day when her and her husband came over for dinner. I was reluctant to listen to it at first because it was rap. Not to be judgmental but all I ever hear in rap these days is "Boats and Hoes" kind of lyrics. Get rich, get dirty, get drunk, get pretty much everything that is what corrupts a human (which is so unfortunate because poetry is such a cool way to get a message across, especially in music). When I heard this song though it gave me goosebumps (or groosebumps for you fellow Zelda fans). I still, to this day, even after listening to it multiple times, get goosebumps. So please take the time to listen to this song even if it's not in your genre. It's a song I believe we can relate to and he represents the controversy so well through his words.

Thanks to anyone who views this blog :)

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