Sunday, May 12, 2013

Starting up!

Hey guys :) I'm hoping to collaborate with some people in the local area of Puyallup, Washington. I noticed there is no gay support community around Puyallup and thus, I wanted to start one. I went through a very difficult time in my teenage years (8th-12th grade) when dealing with my homosexuality. I am a christian, I have always been but don't let that scare you away if you are interested in meeting up or asking questions :) I completely accept anyone for who they are, no matter the beliefs. I just want to help anyone who is or has felt like they are unworthy because of their sexuality.

Ultimately I'm hoping to eventually gather more and more people who are experiencing homosexual rejection. It's important to feel secure in your friendships and socially build relationships with people who understand the situation you are facing. The group will be non-judgmental and a very safe friendly environment where we can fully converse and express ourselves without the fear of being wrong. I am willing to offer any help I possibly can :) Whether it be an attempt to resist or accept your own feelings, I want to help you figure out who you are.

It's interesting how fragile our mind is. I have never faced anything more difficult than self rejection. Denying yourself who you are is self destructive and we were all given this life for a reason :) 1 in 40,000,000 other cells to be born, and we were the ones chosen. It's not coincidence and we all have the same rights to enjoy our lives! So please feel free to contact me at or comment on my blog anytime! I will try and keep things going and update my blog frequently. If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to ask! I am an open minded individual excited to meet new people!

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