Saturday, May 18, 2013

Realizing our existence

I once had a conversation with my sister that, after we came to this realization together, enlightened me on humanity. I've never had a doubt about the fact that we need each other because we are social creatures and that is proven with psychological tests and what not. I, however, never personally saw and example of this behavior, simply just had heard of it.

Here's how it goes. I was in the car with my sister as she started her job at 9-1-1. She mentioned people talked to her like she was a machine, they become impatient and rude. Now I understand they are probably freaked out because of an emergency, so that completely makes sense but it's still something you recognize, that when you are behind a machine answering questions, you are a machine answering questions to those people. I already figured as much because it's the same psychology behind road rage, they feel it's ok to freak out because it's just a machine, they are not cognizant of the fact that that IS a person behind the wheel. I said "Well then why don't they just have machines do all the work?". My sister replied with "The callers wouldn't be satisfied. They don't realize it, but they rely on us to comfort them". Immediately I was enlightened. Humans aren't just a necessity in a social aspect but we are the only ones capable of expressing emotion, or empathizing.I told her that it's interesting to think that a machine could get the information in faster than we could, more proficient. If that were to happen though, the stress of the situation could get out of hand and your imagination can take it from there.

We need each other. It's just like she said, they rely on the recipient to give them comfort. In multiple calls people ask for the person to stay on the line. Why do you think that is? In case something bad happens? No, because this is AFTER the fact that help has been sent. They want emotional support as well, nothing man made could ever provide us with that. It's incredible to think of us to that extent and almost kind of beautiful.

I STRONGLY believe every person on this planet has a reason. We all need each other, even if you don't do something as intense as 9-1-1 calls. One of my good friends was working and was having troubles with his sexuality at the time. A woman walked up to him and said "You know....I like the term it is what it is" and he ALWAYS said that to comfort himself. It reminded him that, what is happening is for a reason, there's nothing to change, there's no wrong, it is what it is. He was so blown away. Simply talking to someone with the most genuine expression can save their life :) Ralph Waldo Emerson said "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - that is to have succeeded". To make someone's day even just a little better is something to be proud of!

Go prove people aren't as terrible as they seem to be. Go prove to people that we aren't just a bunch of machines operating as society intended. Show that we are so much more beyond that! We have these emotions for a reason and even more so, these connections to others. We need each other, unlike the machines we make and I think that is something amazing to realize :)

P.S. Sorry for my late blog entry! I've been with my friend all day and didn't really have the time.

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