Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why suicide should never be the final decision

I was at my friend's house today while he was playing the longest game of Alcatraz Nazi Zombies I've ever seen. I decided to look on my youtube profile and saw a video that caught my interest visually called "The Forge - For Anybody Hurting". I decided to watch it and it was something I didn't expect at all. Almost like a learning experience. I was able to vicariously experience the pain of a suicide, and what a pain it was.

The video is about a brother and sister. The sister commit suicide and her brother was left with money to make a video of his choosing by his sister. With the money he made this video to express himself along with the narration of a letter he wished his sister could have heard before she commit suicide.

My own personal take on suicide has both a religious and moral view. Religiously, it affects you in a way that is impossible to recover from. Once you are dead, there is no repenting for the sin and thus it being the "unforgivable sin". Morally, it's selfish. I hate to say it because yeah, the pain this individual is facing is something horrid enough to make them think that death will free them. In reality, the people who lose you are left with the burden you no longer wish to bear. That is what's selfish about it. When suicide becomes and issue, it weighs on the shoulders of those who love the person. They wonder why the person felt these feelings, how they could have stopped them, why the person didn't ask them and when the mind dwells enough on a topic, it creates reason of it's own. Those reasons made, end up becoming a blame upon the person who wasn't there for their suicidal friend, or family member.

Talk to someone, be anonymous or go to a best friend/family member. Anyone who cares about you is willing to help and don't you think for even ONE second that no one cares about you or that you deserve to be cared about. Would I have written this if I didn't care? Would there be suicide hotlines if people didn't care? We may not know you, but we understand the pain that life can inflict. We didn't enjoy it and in that sense we are capable of empathizing, thus caring to help you no matter what. We are all human, and regardless of the reasons why you want to die, be that you feel you messed something up, or your messed up because of homosexuality or any reason at all. Know that as humans, we are given the chance to clean off our slate. Make a difference for yourself, make positive changes. We have our entire lives to make up for what we've done, leave it in the past and learn from the experience. Know that there will ALWAYS be someone who cares :) including myself. Don't be ashamed to get help, because in the end, you can say you've won the fight.

Love you all :)

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